Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dionisys planned my spring break

Monday's class was about the most interesting class yet. We talked about sexual things, which makes sense because Lysistrata lends itself well to that being a boner poem, if you will. In any case, Dr. Sexson reminded the class that Aristophanes likes to make fun of the phallice, because it is not to be feared, but something to make fun of. This struck me. Yes, the penis is funny, hilarious even; the word and the anatomical part. But what of the vagina?? People generally don't look at a vagina and laugh, they may be grossed out, or maybe they think it is beautiful. Well, this spring break, i learned to laugh at the vagina. Well, actually, I laughed a lot at the vagina when I went to the Vagina Monologues. Aside from that, I laughed a lot this spring break at a vagina poem or song that we sang on the river after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and indulging in weed products. This is a repeat after me diddy that is fun in large intoxicated groups. It goes like this:


Pray what is that?

It's all covered in fur.

Like a pussy cat.

There's a hole in the middle.

And it's split in two.

And that's what we call.

An arangadangdoo.


This little thang was extremely entertaining throughout the whole river trip. This trip was pretty much like a giant symposium from classical literature, minus the orgy part. The Arangadangdoo song was our friend Walker's contribution to the mess. Thank you Walker.

It was as if Dionisys was the coordinator of the trip!

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